/** = Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag = Diese Software ist von der archium GmbH, Gera ist lizenziert unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung - Nicht kommerziell - Keine Bearbeitungen 4.0 International Lizenz. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed.de) Individuelle über diese Lizenz hinausgehende Berechtigungen können Sie unter https://archium.org erhalten. = Creative Commons License = Software by archium GmbH, Gera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) Individual permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://archium.org. **/ package tools import ( "encoding/json" "log" "errors" // "fmt" "html" "net/http" "reflect" "regexp" "strings" "time" def "Toolbox/defaults" pog "Toolbox/postgres" sql "database/sql" gjs "github.com/tidwall/gjson" ) type TJson []map[string]interface{} type TDVParams struct { DP_datasetId string // DP_datasetPid string // DP_datasetVersion string // DP_localeCode string // DP_fileId string // DP_filePid string // DP_apiKey string // DP_siteUrl string // DP_alias string // DP_routeUrl string // } type TFVParams struct { FP_suid string // generierte suid (js) FP_type string // 'json', 'html'.. FP_info string // optionale info (bsp.: 'read json grid') FP_func string // 'getHtml', 'getValues'.. FP_modl string // 'app.active_module' (js) FP_what string // 'menu', 'datagrid', 'propgrid', 'login'.. FP_suff string // 'login' FP_extn string // '.txt'. '.json'.. FP_from string // 'db', 'file', 'dataverse'.. FP_user string // FP_proj string // 'projektname aus tabelle' FP_who string // art der daten - 'user', 'data'... FP_time string // übergabe zeitpunkt. FP_alias string // alias für dataverse grid FP_dois string // liste der "dois" für sicherung FP_rout string // umleitung beim ausloggen FP_refr bool // refresh der session möglich // für svg FP_shad string // svg-schatten FP_widt string // svg-breite FP_heit string // svg-höhe FP_matx string // svg-transfor.matrix FP_view string // svg-viewbox // FP_qery string // abfrage-string // FP_parm ColMapInt } type TFileColumns struct { FC_sequence string FC_field string FC_title string FC_isvisible bool } type TValueRow struct { VR_key string VR_value string } type TUserEntry struct { UE_Done bool UE_IpAddress string UE_IpPort string UE_IdleTime time.Time UE_Released time.Time UE_DVParams TDVParams UE_FVParams TFVParams UE_DBConn *sql.DB UE_Datasets string } type SVGMap map[string]string type ColMap map[string]string type JsnColMap map[string]interface{} type ColMapInt map[int]map[string]string type RowMap map[string]map[string]string type JsnMapInt map[int]map[string]interface{} type TUserEntries map[string]TUserEntry type TDatasetEntries map[string]string type TDataverse JsnColMap // dataverse var Dp TDVParams var Fp TFVParams var Ue TUserEntries var Ds TDatasetEntries var icnt int = 0 var Col = "" var Val = "" var Source string = "head;menu;grid;propgrid;content;login;" // var DataColList ColMap = make(ColMap, 0) var FileColList ColMap = make(ColMap, 0) func CheckConnection(_fparam TFVParams) (*sql.DB, error) { var err error = errors.New("SUID not found.") if len(_fparam.FP_suid) > 0 { var ok bool = false var ue TUserEntry // ue, ok = Ue[_fparam.FP_suid] if ok { // fmt.Println("CheckConnection(entry):", _fparam.FP_suid, ue.UE_DBConn) if ue.UE_DBConn == nil { ue.UE_DBConn, err = pog.GetConnection() if err == nil { //fmt.Println("CheckConnection(created 1):", _fparam.FP_suid, ue.UE_DBConn) Ue[_fparam.FP_suid] = ue return ue.UE_DBConn, nil } } else { return ue.UE_DBConn, nil } } } // return nil, err } func CloseConnection(_fparam TFVParams) error { // var err error = errors.New("SUID not found.") var ue TUserEntry = Ue[_fparam.FP_suid] pog.CloseConnection(ue.UE_DBConn) // return nil } func RemoveLBR(text string, repl string) string { re := regexp.MustCompile(`\x{000D}\x{000A}|[\x{000A}\x{000B}\x{000C}\x{000D}\x{0085}\x{2028}\x{2029}]`) return re.ReplaceAllString(text, repl) } func PrintMap(_map map[string][]string) { for key, value := range _map { for fkey, fvalue := range value { log.Println(key, " has ", fkey, ":", fvalue) } } } func GetIP(_r *http.Request) string { forwarded := _r.Header.Get("X-FORWARDED-FOR") if forwarded != "" { return forwarded } return _r.RemoteAddr } func GetApiKey(_dp TDVParams) string { var apikey string = def.DEF_apikey if len(_dp.DP_apiKey) > 0 { apikey = _dp.DP_apiKey } // return apikey } func GetSiteUrl(_dp TDVParams) string { var siteurl string = def.DEF_siteurl if len(_dp.DP_siteUrl) > 0 { siteurl = _dp.DP_siteUrl } // return siteurl } func GetRouteUrl(_dp TDVParams) string { var siteurl string = def.DEF_routeurl if len(_dp.DP_routeUrl) > 0 { siteurl = _dp.DP_routeUrl } // return siteurl } // get string between (tools) func GetstringBetween(_string string, _start string, _end string) string { var str = "" + _string var s = strings.Index(str, _start) if s == -1 { return "" } s += len(_start) e := strings.Index(str, _end) if e == -1 { return "" } return str[s:e] } func AddStrings(_sum, _val string, _sep string) string { if len(_sum) > 0 { return _sum + _sep + _val } return _val } func UniqueStrings(_str, _sep string) string { m := make(map[string]bool) keys := make([]string, 0) for _, c := range strings.Split(_str, _sep) { if _, ok := m[c]; !ok { m[c] = true keys = append(keys, c) } } // return strings.Join(keys, _sep) } func JsonEscape(i string) string { b, err := json.Marshal(i) if err != nil { def.LogError("JsonEscape()", err) panic(err) } s := string(b) // return s[1 : len(s)-1] } func GetTabLevel(_level int64) string { var tab string = "" for i := 0; i < int(_level); i++ { tab = tab + "\t" } // return tab } func GetTab10(_level int) (string, string) { var taba string = "\t" var tabb string = "\t\t" var level int = _level for { if level < 10 { break } taba = taba + "\t" tabb = tabb + "\t" level = level / 10 } // return taba, tabb } func GetJsonResult(_base gjs.Result, _key string) gjs.Result { return gjs.Get(_base.String(), _key) } func GetJsonString(_base gjs.Result, _key string) string { return GetJsonResult(_base, _key).String() } func GetJsonInt(_base gjs.Result, _key string) int64 { return GetJsonResult(_base, _key).Int() } func GetObjectFromStr(_objstr string) gjs.Result { var resobj gjs.Result = gjs.Get(`{"data":`+_objstr+`}`, "data") // return resobj } func DoFilterByJsonStr(_objstr gjs.Result) gjs.Result { if _objstr.Type == gjs.String { _objstr = GetObjectFromStr(string(`"` + DoFilterByStr(_objstr.String()) + `"`)) } // return _objstr } func DoFilterByStr(_str string) string { var svalue string = strings.ReplaceAll(_str, "\n", " ") if reflect.TypeOf(_str).Name() == "string" { if strings.Contains(_str, `"`) { evalarr := strings.Split(_str, `"`) if len(evalarr) > 0 { smarshall, err := json.Marshal(_str) if err != nil { svalue = "Wrong count of double quoted sign." } else { svalue = strings.Trim(string(smarshall), `"`) } } else { svalue = html.EscapeString(svalue) // svalue = strings.ReplaceAll(svalue, `"`, """) } } } svalue = strings.ReplaceAll(svalue, "\t", " ") // return svalue } func JsonSearch(_json gjs.Result, _key, _value string, _level int64, _caption gjs.Result) (gjs.Result, bool) { if _level == 0 { _caption.Type = gjs.Null } else { if _caption.Type != gjs.Null { _caption = DoFilterByJsonStr(_caption) // return _caption, true } } var result bool = false if _json.IsObject() { var keysearch bool = (len(_key) > 0) _json.ForEach(func(jkey, jvalue gjs.Result) bool { if jvalue.IsArray() { _caption, result = JsonSearch(jvalue, _key, _value, _level+1, _caption) // fmt.Println(GetTabLevel(_level), "(oa)", jkey, "=", _caption) } else { if jvalue.IsObject() { _caption, result = JsonSearch(jvalue, _key, _value, _level+1, _caption) // fmt.Println(GetTabLevel(_level), "(oo)", jkey, "=", _caption) } else { // fmt.Println(GetTabLevel(_level), "(ov)", _key, _value, jkey, "=", jvalue) if keysearch { if jkey.String() == _key { if jvalue.String() == _value { _caption = gjs.Get(_json.String(), "value") result = (_caption.Type != gjs.Null) // fmt.Println(GetTabLevel(_level), "(< [", _level, "] ov >)", _key, ".", _value, "=", _caption, _value) } } } else { if jkey.String() == _value { _caption = jvalue result = (_caption.Type != gjs.Null) // fmt.Println(GetTabLevel(_level), "(< [", _level, "] ov >)", _key, ".", _value, "=", _caption, _value) } } } } if _caption.Type != gjs.Null { return false } return true }) } else { if _json.IsArray() { for jkey, jvalue := range _json.Array() { jkey = jkey if jvalue.IsArray() { // log.Println(GetTabLevel(_level), "(aa)", jkey, "=") _caption, result = JsonSearch(jvalue, _key, _value, _level+1, _caption) } else { if jvalue.IsObject() { // log.Println(GetTabLevel(_level), "(ao)", jkey, "=") _caption, result = JsonSearch(jvalue, _key, _value, _level+1, _caption) } else { // log.Println(GetTabLevel(_level), "(av)", jkey, "=", jvalue) if jvalue.String() == _value { _caption = gjs.Get(_json.String(), "value") // log.Println(GetTabLevel(_level), "(< [", _level, "] av >)", _key, ".", _value, "=", _caption, _value) break } } } } } } if _caption.Type != gjs.Null { _caption = DoFilterByJsonStr(_caption) } // // fmt.Println(GetTabLevel(_level), "(res)", _key, _value, "=", _caption) return _caption, result } func AddValues(_col, _val string, _caption, _value gjs.Result) (string, string) { _col = AddStrings(_col, `"`+_caption.String(), `",`) _val = AddStrings(_val, `"`+_caption.String()+`":"`+DoFilterByStr(_value.String())+`",`, `,`) // return _col, _val } func AddColumnToMap(_col ColMap, _key, _value gjs.Result) ColMap { if len(_key.String()) > 0 { if _value.IsObject() { return _col } if len(_col) == 0 { _col = make(ColMap) } _value = DoFilterByJsonStr(_value) _col[`"`+_key.String()+`"`] = `"` + _value.String() + `"` } // return _col } func AddColumnToMapAsString(_col ColMap, _key, _value string) ColMap { if len(_key) > 0 { if len(_col) == 0 { _col = make(ColMap) } // _col[_key] = _value _value = DoFilterByStr(_value) _col[`"`+_key+`"`] = `"` + _value + `"` } // return _col } func AddValueToMap(_row RowMap, _col ColMap, _index, _key, _value gjs.Result, _exclude, _include string) (RowMap, ColMap) { if len(_key.String()) > 0 { if _value.IsObject() { // log.Println("object:", _key, ",", _value) _value.ForEach(func(fkey, fvalue gjs.Result) bool { if fkey.String() == "typeName" { var typevalue gjs.Result typevalue, _ = JsonSearch(_value, "", "value", 0, typevalue) // log.Println("type(1):", fvalue, ",", typevalue) if typevalue.IsObject() || typevalue.IsArray() { return true } _row, _col = AddValueToMap(_row, _col, _index, fvalue, typevalue, _exclude, _include) return false } // log.Println("type(2):", fkey, ",", fvalue) _row, _col = AddValueToMap(_row, _col, _index, fkey, fvalue, _exclude, _include) return true }) return _row, _col } else { if _value.IsArray() { for _, avalue := range _value.Array() { // log.Println("array(3):", _key, ",", avalue) _row, _col = AddValueToMap(_row, _col, _index, _key, avalue, _exclude, _include) } return _row, _col } else { var typevalue gjs.Result = DoFilterByJsonStr(_value) // fmt.Println("AddValueToMap()", _key, ":", typevalue) if len(_row) == 0 { _row = make(RowMap) } if len(_row[`"`+_index.String()+`"`]) == 0 { _row[`"`+_index.String()+`"`] = make(ColMap) } _row[`"`+_index.String()+`"`][`"`+_key.String()+`"`] = `"` + typevalue.String() + `"` _col = AddColumnToMap(_col, _key, _key) } } } // return _row, _col } func JsonSearchSet(_json gjs.Result, _key, _val string, _level int64, _caption, _value gjs.Result) (gjs.Result, gjs.Result, bool) { if _level == 0 { _value.Type = gjs.Null } else { if _value.Type != gjs.Null { return _caption, _value, true } } var result bool = false if _json.IsObject() { _json.ForEach(func(jkey, jvalue gjs.Result) bool { // log.Println(GetTabLevel(_level), "(oo)", _key, _val, jkey, jvalue) if jvalue.IsArray() { // log.Println(GetTabLevel(_level), "(oa)", _key, _val, jkey, "=", jvalue, _caption, _value) _caption, _value, result = JsonSearchSet(jvalue, _key, _val, _level+1, _caption, _value) } else { if jvalue.IsObject() { var oocaption gjs.Result var oovalue gjs.Result _caption, _value, result = JsonSearchSet(jvalue, _key, _val, _level+1, oocaption, oovalue) if result { // log.Println(GetTabLevel(_level), "(ooo)", jkey, "=", jvalue, _caption, _value) icnt = icnt + 1 Col, Val = AddValues(Col, Val, _caption, _value) return false } // log.Println(GetTabLevel(_level), "(oo)", jkey, "=", jvalue, _caption, _value) } else { // log.Println(GetTabLevel(_level), "(ov)", _key, _val, jkey, "=", jvalue) if jkey.String() == _key { _caption = gjs.Get(_json.String(), _key) return true } if jkey.String() == _val { // log.Println(GetTabLevel(_level), "(< [", _level, "] ov >)", _key, ".", _val, "=", _caption, ".", _value) _value = gjs.Get(_json.String(), _val) icnt = icnt + 1 Col, Val = AddValues(Col, Val, _caption, _value) return false } } } // log.Println(GetTabLevel(_level), "(< [", _level, "] ov >)", _key, ".", _val, "=", _caption, ".", _value) if _value.Type != gjs.Null { return false } return true }) if _value.Type != gjs.Null { // log.Println("JsonSearchSet(fo):", _level, _caption, _value) return _caption, _value, true } } else { if _json.IsArray() { for _, jvalue := range _json.Array() { // log.Println(GetTabLevel(_level), "(aa)", _key, _val, jkey, "=", jvalue, _caption, _value) if jvalue.IsArray() { // log.Println(GetTabLevel(_level), "(aa)", jkey, "=") _caption, _value, result = JsonSearchSet(jvalue, _key, _val, _level+1, _caption, _value) if result { // log.Println(GetTabLevel(_level), "(ooo)", jkey, "=", jvalue, _caption, _value) icnt = icnt + 1 Col, Val = AddValues(Col, Val, _caption, _value) } } else { if jvalue.IsObject() { jvalue.ForEach(func(jjkey, jjvalue gjs.Result) bool { // log.Println(GetTabLevel(_level), "(ooo)", jjkey, jjvalue) if jjvalue.IsObject() { var oocaption gjs.Result var oovalue gjs.Result oocaption, oovalue, result = JsonSearchSet(jjvalue, _key, _val, _level+1, oocaption, oovalue) if result { if oovalue.Type != gjs.Null { icnt = icnt + 1 Col, Val = AddValues(Col, Val, _caption, _value) } } } return true }) } else { // log.Println(GetTabLevel(_level), "(av)", jkey, "=", jvalue) if jvalue.String() == _val { _value = gjs.Get(_json.String(), "value") icnt = icnt + 1 Col, Val = AddValues(Col, Val, _caption, _value) } } } if _value.Type != gjs.Null { // log.Println("JsonSearchSet(fa):", _level, _caption, _value) return _caption, _value, true } } } } // log.Println("JsonSearchSet(end):", _level, _caption, _value) return _caption, _value, result } func CreateLogin(r *http.Request) string { _prefix := r.FormValue("pref") _middle := r.FormValue("midl") _suffix := r.FormValue("suff") // var html []string html = append(html, "
") html = append(html, "
") html = append(html, "") html = append(html, "") html = append(html, "") html = append(html, "") html = append(html, "") html = append(html, "") html = append(html, "") html = append(html, "") html = append(html, "") html = append(html, "") html = append(html, "") html = append(html, "") html = append(html, "") html = append(html, "") html = append(html, "
Anmeldename:") html = append(html, "") html = append(html, "
Passwort:") html = append(html, "") html = append(html, "
") html = append(html, " ") html = append(html, "") html = append(html, "") html = append(html, "Anmelden") html = append(html, "
") html = append(html, "
") html = append(html, "
") html = append(html, "
Copyright © 2010 archium GmbH
") html = append(html, "
") // // log.Println("HTML:", strings.Join(html, "")) return strings.Join(html, "") }