package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "" "os" ) func errPrintf(fmtStr string, args ...interface{}) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, fmtStr, args...) } func showHelp() { errPrintf("Usage: %s [options] font_file [font_file...]\n", os.Args[0]) flag.PrintDefaults() fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "\n"+ "font_file is the name of the TrueType file (extension .ttf), OpenType file\n"+ "(extension .otf) or binary Type1 file (extension .pfb) from which to\n"+ "generate a definition file. If an OpenType file is specified, it must be one\n"+ "that is based on TrueType outlines, not PostScript outlines; this cannot be\n"+ "determined from the file extension alone. If a Type1 file is specified, a\n"+ "metric file with the same pathname except with the extension .afm must be\n"+ "present.") errPrintf("\nExample: %s --embed --enc=../font/ --dst=../font calligra.ttf /opt/font/symbol.pfb\n", os.Args[0]) } func tutorialSummary(f *gofpdf.Fpdf, fileStr string) { if f.Ok() { fl, err := os.Create(fileStr) defer fl.Close() if err == nil { f.Output(fl) } else { f.SetError(err) } } if f.Ok() { fmt.Printf("Successfully generated %s\n", fileStr) } else { errPrintf("%s\n", f.Error()) } } func main() { var dstDirStr, encodingFileStr string var err error var help, embed bool flag.StringVar(&dstDirStr, "dst", ".", "directory for output files (*.z, *.json)") flag.StringVar(&encodingFileStr, "enc", "", "code page file") flag.BoolVar(&embed, "embed", false, "embed font into PDF") flag.BoolVar(&help, "help", false, "command line usage") flag.Parse() if help { showHelp() } else { args := flag.Args() if len(args) > 0 { for _, fileStr := range args { err = gofpdf.MakeFont(fileStr, encodingFileStr, dstDirStr, os.Stderr, embed) if err != nil { errPrintf("%s\n", err) } // errPrintf("Font file [%s], Encoding file [%s], Embed [%v]\n", fileStr, encodingFileStr, embed) } } else { errPrintf("At least one Type1 or TrueType font must be specified\n") showHelp() } } }